Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lightspeed Training-am session

databases>shared tables>content filter categoriesto see local block and local allow, other descriptions of categories. Must search for a specific site to see why it is blocked.

parked- pages without content on there

Students can currently change the names of sites they go to for the reports

New release- can have individual teachers and staff block and allow sites on specific computers

Desktop content filtering set to servers and other servers (basic CIPA compliance) Properties>Security Agent>Default properties set

content guide- reports on websites when they are off network- currently no charge, not necessarily in the future

Block non-Http is good for secured proxy sites. This will enable looking at the IP address and getting it to work. properties>content filter>default content filter category property set

Can't use the challenge request and the grey listing

Beysian aggression may be to high. 50 is most common, should not be above 65

Whitelist only whitelists for you, you have to go into the admin to do it for the whole network
Properties>spam mail blocker> whitelist you can add things there, senderemailaddress*cccp.com

Refreshing page- check your internet options, temp internet files, settings, make sure it is set to automatically, this is so you don't have to refresh the page in the reports session

Spam mail pattern- spam, virus, or ham (good mail), give it a name, can have it analyze the message itself or do one mannually, can do up to 4 conditions, can block external IPs to block from specific countries. This would be good to look into!

We have message journal to archive the emails

Reports> Message Journaling>Search MEssage Journal> they all have a doc id, once it is archived it cannot be deleted, stays in 7 years, space may be an issue. Go to proerties to see where it is stored. You can move directories to some other archive to deal with space issues. Find out if we are archiving attachemnts, a backup server needs to ba a lightspeed server with the client and SQL on it. Spam is not archived.

1 comment:

Eric C said...

Hi Janel

Is this similar to xsilva's lightspeed training, or is it something different?