Monday, March 26, 2007

WEMA- Keynote THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS- Deneen Frazier Bowen

The keynote speaker is Deneen Frazier Brown:

Book- The Internet For Your Kids

Belle Epiphanie by Cybil, age 16

Stat team- the kids record ideas before it is purchased. REcord things. Different grades on the stat team.

Net Day speak up, look into this.

Taking it Global TIG Tig-ed people come together to talk about what people are doing to make the world a better place.

Civ 4- online

Ask kids questions using their tools, story around the data.

Listen to students- students are using tools to express themselves, otherwise are saranwrap kids, etc.

Act with students differently- under the radar kids, 88% of drop outs have passing grades. They check out, not drop out. No one knows what they are doing outside.

"sending our students beyond where we are now or have ever been." Diane Lewis

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