Monday, March 26, 2007

WEMA Session 3- The New Tools of School

John Pederson- The New Tools of School presentation
Currirulum and Technology Coordinator- taking over for David Jakes who is unable to be here

RSS- Really Simple Syndication

1. social bookmarking
Can subscribe to other people's accounts creating clouds

2. Flickr: sharing and saving digital photos and content
Creative Commons- alternative to full copyright. (attribution, noncommercial, no derivative, share alike) basic tenets. The people have indicated the level of their own photos.
Dumpr- can black and white them and make them as a coloring book! Makes great presents for kids. are ways to edit your photos. Zazzle- another Flickr link. pick a picture, order prints, then zazzle. You can then get it printed on a real US photostamp. This is an actual working stamp. They have some other really cool options as well. The interestingness.

3. tumblr. : blogging platform to use
class blogmeister- David Warlick
edublogs kind of like myspace for education. They will give you the software for free to load on your own server.
yackpack- voice messaging software

4. wikispaces:
Wolrd is flat project on Vicky Davis' blog

WEMA Session 2 Podcasting

Keith Schroeder- Podcasting in the Library

Exemplary podcasts-
1. Willow Web
2. Bob Sprangle Resources, esp Room 208
3. EPN- Educational Podcast Network
4. Mr. Mayo Podcasts -has some great songs for learning

Internet safety is a huge concern for students. Should get the school on the same page. isafe is a good free curriculum. Netsmartz and cybersmart. His district is focusing on different dates for it next year. Needs to be a whole curriculum.

Need to spend time on copyright and appropriate usage for kids. EFF: Bloggers and Intellectual Property
Medford Copyright kiosk

Equipment needed:
1. good microphone- USB microphone is good, can have more than one microphone if you get an inexpensive mixingboard.
2. Microphone filter (some free on the Internet) can put a nylon over a net in front of the microphone.
3. Editing Software
Garageband- better software, but is Mac based
4. Music podsafe music network, can use it specifically for podcasts, listed by genre and is copyright free to use
5. Recordable MP3Player/Digital Voice Recorder
6. RSS feed- RSS feedburner to push the information out the subscribers.
Don't have to go out to the webpages. RSS feed turns in the assignments to you. Works iwth blogs and podcasting. They don't have to turn anything in then, teacher goes out to access it.

TeacherTube- educational videos and also reviewed

How do we make a podcast?
-room 208 has a kids talking about how to make a podcast.
- use the music people for sound resources because they know

Need to then convert the file to mp3. This is important. Audacity will do this. It is the one he prefers.

TheM Word Marketing Libraries
Booktalking with the Book Dragon

WEMA- Keynote THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS- Deneen Frazier Bowen

The keynote speaker is Deneen Frazier Brown:

Book- The Internet For Your Kids

Belle Epiphanie by Cybil, age 16

Stat team- the kids record ideas before it is purchased. REcord things. Different grades on the stat team.

Net Day speak up, look into this.

Taking it Global TIG Tig-ed people come together to talk about what people are doing to make the world a better place.

Civ 4- online

Ask kids questions using their tools, story around the data.

Listen to students- students are using tools to express themselves, otherwise are saranwrap kids, etc.

Act with students differently- under the radar kids, 88% of drop outs have passing grades. They check out, not drop out. No one knows what they are doing outside.

"sending our students beyond where we are now or have ever been." Diane Lewis

WEMA- CAndace Flemming- Just the Facts Ma'am: Everything I write is True

Biographies- The subjects become members of the family. Ben Franklin was fun to have around, Eleanor was more difficult to live up to. Looks for little facts that are interesting and that make the people more personable to kids. So they can relate to.

Went to a ceremony for FDR at the library she was at and ended up meeting a personal friend of Eleanor and got invited over to eat there and got a wonderful amount of personal stories.

Reading Mrs. Uldrich- Boxes For Katie, fiction has a nugget of truth, story based upon her mother.

Muncha Muncha Muncha- based on real life experiences of trying to get the rabbits out of the garden. Sequel to this book is Tibby Tibby Tibby Hide! which is based on a 3rd grade experience. Then there is the third one- asking the kids for ideas for what to do. A 3rd grader said "take them on vacation, he has to get away to the beach, but..."

Eavesdropping- getting lots of ideas from listening to others.

Does school visits.