Friday, February 9, 2007

WSRA- New Internet Literacies for Teachers and Students

Will Richardson Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts

Read Write Web Technologies. Web 2.0 (wiki presentation) He uses wikis instead of powerpoints to give his presentations.

No one is really teaching kids how to learn in these ways, evaluating sources, hypertexts and building communities online. This is oing to be how they are going to be learning in the future, but no one is teaching them how.

Next years kindergarten class is going to graduate in 2020. We need to develop a 20/20 vision for them.

No one is really changing what they are doing now to prepare for their furtures.

Reading- need new types of reading strategies for nonlinear texts. Many are very distributed. Things are not all in one place or tied up with a bow. So we ned to think of reading in a new way.

We need to look at patterns of thoughts, discussions, conversations. Need to synthesize information.

They become the authors of their own texts to bring the stuff together in s self organized way.

Ask the kids the question- how does my teacher learn? Many kids will not be able to answer that quesiton. How do we do this? It is not very transparent.

Google Reader- Can help to subscribe to RSS feeds. Can be blogs, newspapers and more.

Google news- can RSS google searches in news on that site and have it sent. Global so points of view from around the world can be sent to email.

Set up an RSS feed. First thing he had his journalism students do. Building connections and networks around the informaiton. Do continuous learning 24/7 and build their own communities. can also subscribe to images the same way. Figure out what you are passionate about and jus tsubscribe to it.

PageFlakes- you can build your own site newspaper using RSS. Can use Flikr photos and Youtube videos as well. When they are tagged for them.

Reading needs to be editing now. Kids need to be able to edit. Assess whether it is appropriate, ethical, valid, etc. They need to package it themselves.

Self organization. Use a social bookmarking site. We need to be the librarian of what we find. Folksonomies. They work on tags and keywords assigned to the information that we find. site to save posts or sites. Fill out the form with url, title and notes.

Google's Moon Shot- The New Yorker. Google wants to digitize every book ever published. This is a really good article. what other people have written on books.

Convergence Culture is a good book. Get it.

Writing becomes different as well. Write in video, audio and more.

Torex- LA teacher with video. ewverything that my kids do has wings. Goes beyond the classroom.

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