Friday, November 10, 2006

Session 2 Willard Daggett Reedsburg

Dr. Willard Daggett
Session 2- scary stuff

-more important in the future than information technologies
-Bionanotech chip written in Popular Science magazine: width of 1/1000 of the human hair, tracks the myopic beginning of a cell within 6 inches of it, attaches itself to it and destroys the cell- cancer fighting
-Lipotore prevents plaque from building up in your arteries, the new drug disolves the plaque in your arteries and will essentially eliminate heart attacks
-increasing the longevity of life
-this is both biology and chemistry- how do we deal with this in our traditional high school setting? We can’t since we separate courses
-We are preparing kids for a world we’ve barely begun to imagine
-Bio/Nano/Info techs change in the future. (reminds me of Visions book)

-China and India making the news the past 6 months
-9/11 is not as profound as 11/9
-change needs to be evolutionary not revolutionary
-World is Flat (get 2.0 version) includes a section on education
-2 years ago 38% of goods sold in walmart were made in China, in 1995 their motto was ‘buy american’, now they are up to 71%
-1997 India democratic government
-India/China/Russia 60% of the old population that are now direct economic competitors to us and they play by different rules. 3.6 billion people.
-We need to modify how we teach in order to stay in the game
-Information Technology (work to worker)
-Microsoft is the 125th company of the Fortune 500 to move their R and D in the past 24 months. Losing a quarter of our nation’s corporate headquarters and huge tax base. Huge financial hit. They pay more in taxes than any other sector. This trend will continue to go.
-Jack Walch’s Lessons Learned (welch?)
-No nation since the Romans have remained the economic power for more than 100 years
-China has purchased the bancruptcy rights to the four airlines (US) that are bancrupt United, Northwest, Delta and the other one. If they come out of bancruptcy, China will own them
-Equity- China has equity compared to India, In the US Dagget’s daughter and son would not have been permitted to live. No commitment to equity overall. Eastern Europe even less so- ethnic cleansing still
-Most countries no longer consider America a long term economic threat.
-Equity and ethics are in conflict. Other countries are picking and choosing who they educate
-60% of the worlds concrete, glass and steel is consumed daily in China
- 9 cities in the US over 1 million population, 100 in China, 36 in Eastern Europe
-Message- we need to not be ethnocentric. We need to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world.
-India will surpass China in population in the 2020’s and be the largest country in the world.
-Our problem is the skill gap and that the world is changing 4-5 times faster than inside the schools
-We need MORE PASSION FOR CHANGE than resistance to change and most American communities have resistance to change.
-We are getting older. 1900- 14 year old then work til age 47 (average age of death), 2000 18 years for fulltime work til 62 and live to 77 (biotech and medical breakthroughs have increased the longevity), 2100 ? study suggests 107 for longevity
-John Nesbit- (megatrend), Mind Set new great book need to get it.
-Get a transcript of Alan Greenspan of his last presentation to congress
-retirement system based upon that there will be more young people than old people. This is no longer true. 1 person enters the workforce for 2-3 that retire.
-live more years in retirement than they did in work
-fewer students means fewer teachers which leaves less to pay in to the retirement system

Values and Beliefs
-We have become accustomed to our affluency
-Our poverty line is affluency in most nations in the world
-Gen X 1961-1981 most educated in the history of the nation and world
-1982 on: Milennials, enaged in everything, most protected group of young people we have ever seen. Have extraordinarily unrealistic expectations of the future. They can’t imagine having less and take it as their right. Don’t consider what the kids in China nad India are willing to do to have what they have

Change Process
-Model Schools Conference- 25 highest performing elem, ms, and hs (75 schools) to come together and tell their story. What they are doing and how they are doing it
-Don’t confuse teachers working with students learning
-Schools do a great job of using data at the classroom to make decisions. Most classrooms are data rich and analysis poor
-probably have to dump a third of what you are now teaching in order to be great
-Begin with the end in mind (Covey- 7 habits)
-watched commercial about man who cleaned off the wrong car after a snowstorm. Need to work smarter. We are workign hard, but we need to make sure we are working on the right things.

-Core academic learning
-Stretch learning is more important(rigorous and relavant learning beyond the core requirements)
-Student engagement (motivated and engaged or do they come to school to watch their teachers work)
-Personal skill development

Guiding princiles
-Guiding principles-responsibility, respect, compassion, adaptability, honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, contemplation, initiative, perserverence, optimism, courage
-Whats more important to you about others- this list or their good state test scores? New neighbors- this list or report card? Why do people lose jobs- lack of academic skills or this list?
-The guiding proincipals were taught at home, grandma and grandpas taught it,
-well beyond the scope of the school
-Ed Sullivan show, shows on TV had these guiding principles: now TV predicts misguided principles
-This list is from the New York state 1950 scope and sequence for humanities education which was from the 12 most common words in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, The Bible, Koran, Boy Scout Creed, Girl Scout Creed
-Teachers are responsible for teaching these things
-Family is critical here. There is not any dialogue with families to makethis happen

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